
Agricultural extension section

首頁 > 英文版 > Our Work > Agricultural extension section > Lab of education and information

Lab of education and information

 The main tasks of the Lab. of Education and Information are agricultural training, home economics education and extension, and agricultural information dissemination. A variety of training programs have been designed to meet specific needs. To date, the Station has held the courses including “The Farmers’ Academy Program: Systematic Education and Training for Farmers”, “Home Economics Extension Personnel In-service Training”, and “e-Training”.

 Home economics education and extension aims to improve farmers’ and rural residents’ diets and living environments. To promote local agricultural products, we compile local recipes and hold grand product fairs every now and then. Training courses are arranged for rural women to learn local cuisine and basic food processing technologies. Special programs are also available to help female farmers start their career or run sideline business.

 Agricultural policies, news, and technologies are routinely released through media, website, and facebook of the Station. Agricultural journals, newsletters and technical brochures are periodically published and delivered to rural youth, farmers, and extension personnel. We provide farmers and consumers with updated information and consultation service via telephone, fax, and internet. By developing digital learning materials and making research/extension reports and other resources freely accessible online, we have greatly increased the efficiency and effectiveness of information dissemination.


Hands on trainings for new farmers
Hands-on trainings for new farmers

Jujube and Guava health management workshop
Jujube and Guava health management workshop

Rice cuisine contests
Rice cuisine contests

Agricultural journals and technical reports published by our Station
Agricultural journals and technical reports published by our Station
