
Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station

首頁 > 出版刊物 > Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station > Vol. 7(2) > 4.Temperature Requirement for Development Zigzag Leafhopper and Its Chemical Control

4.Temperature Requirement for Development Zigzag Leafhopper and Its Chemical Control

Temperature Requirement for Development Zigzag Leafhopper and Its Chemical Control

Chiu, M. T. and J. T. Chiu


 Zigzag leafhopper ( Recilia dorsalis Motschulsky) has two peaks in the field in 1994. First peak appeared in late May and second one was in late September to early October.

 Zigzag leafhoppers were reared individually in a test tube with a seedling of Taiken No. 5 and were subjected to 15、20、25、30、35℃ constant temperature with 24hrs light per day and were reared outdoor in March and August. Each female deposit about 29.9、93.8、76.0、23.9 eggs at the temperature of 20、25、30、35℃, 94.6 eggs in March and 97.5 eggs in August. Egg hatched in 11.4、8.7、7.4、11.9、9.4 days when they were reared at 25、30、35℃, in March and August, respectively. There are five nymphal stages lasting for 13-18.1 days when they were reared at 25-35℃, the rate of survival nymph were 74.0、67.4﹪ at constant temperature of 25、30℃, 90﹪ in March and 84﹪ in August.

 Longevity lasted for 9.4-16.1 days when they were reared at 25-35℃, 32.5 days in March and 24.7 days in August, the suitable temperature for developmental zigzag leafhopper was 25-35℃. Sex ratio (♀:♂) in each temperature was almost 1:1, except at 25℃, it was 2:1.

 The low temperature threshold and total effective temperature for egg. nymph and adult were 10.9℃ and 173.9 day-degree, 11.2℃ and 277.5 day-degree, 8.3℃ and 259.1 day-degree, respectively. Chemical control for nymph zigzag leafhopper showed that the best effective chemical was 50﹪ cartap s. p.×1000, and the next was 75﹪acephate s.p.× 1000, same results were obtained when tested on the adult zigzag leafhopper.

Key words : Zigzag leafhopper、Development、Temperature、Chemical control
