Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station

首頁 > 出版刊物 > Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station > Vol.11(2) > 2. Integrated Pest Management for Thrips palmi Karny on eggplant

2. Integrated Pest Management for Thrips palmi Karny on eggplant

Volume 11, Number 2 June, 2000

Integrated Pest Management for Thrips palmi Karny on eggplant

Ming-Chao Chen


 Eggplant is one of most important winter vegetables in Kao-Ping area. To ensure crop production, fruit quality and no leaf damages, farmers usually mixed 5-6 pesticides and sprayed at 7-10 day intervals. However, eggplants were harvested 1-2 times per week, therefore, the frequency of pesticide usage would result in residue problems and endanger consumer health. Pesticide screening test showed that 2.8% Decamethrin, 2.8% Cyhalothrin, 50% Metemercapturan, and 9.6% Imidacloprid were able to efficiently control Thrips palmi (Karny). Chemical residue tests showed that organophosphate Ethion had the highest detecting ratio. However, in biological residue tests only the residues of 50% Ethion 500 timesA2.8% Decamethrin 500 timesA40.64% Carbofuran 500 times were detected. Yellow or blue sticky board tests showed that the blue color treatment yielded 10 times more in attracting the thrips than yellow one, As such, blue sticky board could be used to trap thrips as a complementary control measure to pesticides.

Key words:Eggplant, Thrips palmi Karny, Integrated Pest Management, Chemical residue